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Project Name: 120-bed General Hospital
Address: CC1 plot – CB housing area of the General Directorate of V-Ministry of Public Security in Tan Trieu Commune, Thanh Tri District, Hanoi.
Total surface: 1,408.0 m2
Design unit: 3DSpace Joint Stock Company.
- Project master plan
- Land area: 3,507.2 m2. With construction area: 1,408.0 m2, Construction density: 40.1%. Include 2 large halls: Polyclinic, Emergency room.
- Basement floor:
- Construction area: 3,507.2 m2. Spacious area for automobile storage, laundry and storage.
- Ground floor 1:
- Construction area: 1,408 m2. Area for medical examination and treatment.
- Ground floor 2:
- Construction area: 1,513.0 m2. The area includes the following departments: Administration, Testing, Diagnostic Imaging, Surgery, Rehabilitation.
- Floor plan:
- Construction area: 132.0 m2. The area includes: Boarding, Administrative meeting, Kitchen and Nutrition.
- Floor plan 4:
- This is a panoramic view of the hospital’s hospital system and campus
- Front view of the hospital:
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