Thai Nguyen: Investors continue to propose the adjustment of urban projects on the Cau River

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(Construction) – On March 21 morning, Thai Nguyen People’s Committee held a meeting to inspect the progress of the construction project of the flood control system of Song Cau, combining the infrastructure of the two sides of Song Cau.

News from Thai Nguyen Portal ( In the morning of March 21, Thai Nguyen People’s Committee held a meeting with the construction industry; Agriculture & Rural Development; Finance, Planning – Investment; Compensation Board; Thai Nguyen city and Phuc Loc group of investors to check the progress of the construction project of the flood control system of Song Cau, combining the infrastructure of the two sides of Song Cau.

At the conference, representatives of the consortium of investors of Phuc Loc Group reported a review of the volume of nine approved projects and proposed adjustments to the projects. Accordingly, the investor proposed: 13.9 km of new construction and embellishment of 2 km of the dyke of Song Cau river, Cau river was built from Gia Bay bridge to Ben Oanh bridge; To build 3 river wharves for river tours in upstream of Quang Vinh bridge, Gia Bay bridge and upstream of Thac Huong dam; Dredge 15.2 km, depth from 1.5-2m, expand river bed and open the Cau River flow from Cao Nien bridge to Thac Huong dam; Adjusting the width of the Huong Thuong bridge from 16m to 21m to ensure the walking margin on each side of the bridge 2.75m …

It is known that the joint venture of Phuc Loc Group Corporation – Traffic Engineering Construction Corporation No 8 (Cienco8) is the only investor who recently won a shortlist of a series of nine PPP projects implemented in accordance with BT in the province of Thai Nguyen, with a total investment of nearly 10,000 billion. These 9 projects are under the Project of Emergency Construction of the Cau River Flood Prevention System to combine the completion of urban infrastructure on both sides of Cau River, Thai Nguyen Province. And these projects have been urgently built by the PMU to bridge the Cau River flood control system to integrate the urban infrastructure system on both sides of Cau River, Thai Nguyen province. Up to now, investors are designing without the participation of functional departments.



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