Surprise space in the roof house between Bien Hoa city

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The large yard of nearly 600 square meters with wells, greenery turns the building into a peaceful world in the middle of the street.

On the old land of the family, Phong (Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai) wants to rebuild the house in childhood memories. He used to live in a roofed house with a well, with his mother planted with foliage knit under the porch.

The architects helped Mr. Phong to rebuild the new two storey house reminiscent of old homes many remember. The house is full of facilities but still in harmony with nature thanks to the green garden, inner courtyard, wells, lakes …

On the land of 800 m2, the owner only build more than 200 m2, spend most of the outdoor space.

The soft curved corridor embraces the green courtyard with water and bonsai trees.

The house inherits the folk architecture with wide leaves, leaves under the roof.

The rooms are shielded by skylights and lumber systems. The wall covered two layers, the middle is covered with foam insulation.

The works evoke images that are both familiar and modern, both modern and folk. The house as a suggestion for the inheritance of core architectural values ​​from the countryside.

Each room has at least two sides of natural contact, creating a pleasant cool feeling.

Floral floor tiles arranged random tone, bedhead using wood or wood door shutters make the bedroom feel close, familiar.

The log system runs along the corridor, creating a southwesterly sunblind surface. Architects use modern technologies such as solar panels and irrigation systems to irrigate indoors.

The project was designed by architects Hoang Thuc Hao, Nguyen Van Tuan, Nguyen Trong Duc, Vu Xuan Son, Nguyen Binh Minh, Nguyen Anna Ngoc (Office 1 + 1> 2) and Toko Studio.

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